Salty Ramblings~
A place to come, sit, pull up a chair, and talk awhile
Last night, in our Bible Study, we were looking at Abram. Let me get you to the spot - we were in Genesis 12. Let me get you up to speed, Abram and his family have left Haran and are walking to a land that the Lord will show them. In verse 7, they arrive at Schechem, and come to the Oak of Moreh. This beautiful tree, a landmark, is mentioned throughout scripture. In verse 7 the Lord says to Abraham, "To your offspring I will give this land." We find a two fold promise here - offspring - for the 75 year old man, that has no offspring yet ...AND...that they will be given this land. The land of Canaan. I would call this a "Not Yet" Promise- a promise for the future, a promise that you can rest in and find peace in---but a promise for tomorrow.
I think sometimes, we want all of our promises right away. We hear from God, "I will..." and we assume it is NOW. We sit up and we wait and we watch, and we wait and we watch.....and we wait ....and we watch...... and we start doubting the faithfulness of our God- or we start doubting that we actually HEARD God- and we find ourselves in the fix it room, trying to make things happen on our own. Suddenly, we are out of the will and timing of God- and we are in our own flesh trying to make His promises come true Abram will do this very thing - He hears of this promise at the beginning of his journey - but as time goes on and the promises arent coming true- his wife starts to hatch a plan - Abram will impregnate her servant - and they will call this child, IShmael. OUTSIDE OF GOD'S WILL, things get complicated! God's timing is always perfect, sometimes it is hard to wait on the NOT YET promises of God, to sit and be still and trust that His ways are not our ways and His timing is always perfect - never late or early. There is 400 years of silence between the Old Testament and the New testament- 400 years of NOT YET, as the world watched and waited for the Savior that was promised. We can also get tired as we wait, and we can miss the signs of God...the world missed Jesus being born in a stable. In the book of John, first chapter, verse 10- it says that the world did not know Jesus when He came. There is a story of ten virgins waiting for their bridegroom to come (likened to us waiting for Jesus) and some of them fell asleep and ran out of oil. We can get tired waiting on His promises, we can loose focus, we can loose gas in our faith walk. Do you have a NOT YET promise that you are waiting on? Do you have hopes and dreams that you have lost focus on - the waiting has gotten bigger than the dream? Have you given up on God because it has taken too long? I want to encourage you today to pick up HOPE again- Hope in he Lord, Hope in the promises that have been issued. I want to encourage you to write down those promises and start praying into them again. Start reading scripture about the faithfulness of God - a mighty oak is born of a seed. There is unlimited potential trapped inside of you - waiting to sprout through the vessel of HOPE. God does not forget His promises. God has not forgotten you and the song He sings over you. He sees, He hears, he knows, He is faithful. Perhaps you have found your way here form a salt leak that you picked up and you are not sure about any of this, but you feel a burning curiosity- I would encourage you to head over to the "Contact Us" tab - and reach out to us - we will be happy to pray with you and hear your story - remember, He hears, He knows, He remembers His promises. May you find peace in that today!! |
Lisa Albinus
A Gospel spreading, mixed media artist...out to love the world through the salt of creative expression Archives
August 2018
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