Salt Shakers!
These are the younger generations of artisans that are being raised up to be the salt and light of the world...our next generation in His creative army,
This Sunday, I am honored to work with the students in our church, and introduce salting of the military. We have had a request for children's art to be sent over seas....the kids will provide artwork and scripture in an attempt to encourage these soldiers with His word and a reflection of their little hearts.....I am honored and humbled to get to serve our military, through the hands and hearts of our kids, in this way!
Top one is having complete trust in God and believe he will provide. Second one is about being beautiful even in your weird imperfect ways. Last is just something weird and reminds me of biology.
The art I created displays a big question mark in the middle on the front side of the card. It also shows fire and stormy clouds. With crosses on the bottom corners of the front and the verse proverbs 3:5, the message is meant to convey the powerful truth of having faith. The pictures are meant to symbolize confusion, chaos, and rough times in the lives of everyone. Times like these are tough and confusing. We always can question why things like this happen in life. But the truth of proverbs 3:5 reminds all of us that we cannot rely on our own understanding. We will always try to understand and get answers for the troubled times. However, we will never truly know why we go through them. That's why we need to trust in God, the One who has complete understanding; the One who is the initiator of our circumstances and the One who is sovereign and in control of them. The message given is powerful and necessary of every believer in the name of Jesus.
I wanted to encourage someone by showing them that when they are struggling or worried they can always find peace in God
So I have a note inside the puzzle of this tag. I took a passage from a book I really like called "Constructing the Puzzle of God's Plan" by Michael Bradley. The title explains a lot already. It's all about the Kingdom of God which is the most amazing, important treasure we can possibly seek after.
I decided to make this not only to inspire other but also to remind myself that body shapes and bone structures are different for a reason. I look at other bodies and wonder why I can't achieve that look even if I'm eating healthy and working out. I forget that bone structures don't allow people to look the same. I can't look like an athlete if I don't have the body type and that's perfectly fine. My body was created beautifully.
More students art tags:
Music note tag: I was inspired to do the music them because I think someone who loves music will love the tag, also it has encouraging lyrics from a song that helped me in my life - Brandy Watercolor Tag: I have a friend that is going through a really hard time accepting herself for who she is and I think it will really help her to accept who she is -Brandy I wanted to share my experiences from this past Sunday with all of you.....our church has launched an 8 week session an "The Blessed Life" - the idea that it is in the giving that we receive the most blessings....The children's pastor has agreed to do a number of projects with Salty Sidewalks....this past Sunday we had over 100 children assemble a bookmark and they heard the story of our little, divine experiment. I was blessed, beyond compare, to share with them and speak into their hearts about Beauty - and how it matters. Our county was getting ready for our winter storm and they were salting our streets...through a divine prompting, I got to share what it means to be the salt of the world. That scripture melts the hearts of those dormant hearts that forgot who they were. Salt melts snow....scripture, is promised, to not return void - but WILL accomplish that which He sent it for....our little salt leaks were intended to be kisses from heaven for those that find them. While the county salted our streets, over 100 little hearts are salting our sidewalks. Have you ever had one of those days that are just exhausting - but energizing - at the same time? Yeah me too....welcome, welcome to our "Salt Shakers"- who will become an ever increasing presence in our creative army
Our Prayer
Help us Lord to always pray into and pour into the next generation...teaching them Your words, teaching them Your ways, arming them with paint and pen, yarn and spread Your love through a world where beauty matters. ArchivesCategories |